2019 Guide to Halloween

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The spookiest time of the year!

Deck the halls with boughs of candy corn! Halloween is a beloved annual tradition where the best and scariest of costumes get their day to shine. From trick or treating to holiday work party, there are a few different trends and styles popular in 2019 to be aware of. Check out this helpful guide to navigating Halloween 2019 in the trendiest of ways:


Costumes can be incredibly personal. Maybe a specific character or joke that you really love, or just something you’ve been wanting to try forever. The most popular costumes come from things that are popular at the current time. So movies everyone is talking about, shows that are sweeping the nation, and so on. Some recent developments in the costume scene are: superheroes, memes, and throwbacks.


Thanks to the influx of superhero content coming from all streams of media, it should be no surprise everybody wants to be a hero for the night. And superhero costumes can be surprisingly easy! The hardest part for some is the cape, and for others is the iconic symbol. Or, bypass all that and go for the civilian look! Superheroes are a great, popular option that you can put as much effort as you want into it.


Definitely more of a generational piece. One of the biggest trends that’s here to stay is meme culture within Millennials and Gen Z. A lot of college parties, and other younger generation festivities are seeing a lot of memes as costumes. Especially from videos from the likes of Vine and Tiktok, but still picture memes popular on Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit are big too. This one relies on a bit more insider information than other costumes, and can be hit or miss depending on how fast others get it, or if they’ve seen it at all. That being said, done right, this is a big hit! After all, everybody loves the costume that makes you laugh!


Everybody loves the classics! Throwbacks work especially well when your Halloween plans consist of people who consider the same things ‘throwbacks’. For example, old cartoons, old comic faves, old musicians, and so on are wildly popular and continue to be for the foreseeable future. Everybody likes something you can share, and throwbacks are a great intro or icebreaker. You can make a lot of new friends at your next Halloween party simply by complementing a costume or getting into it about how much you miss that certain thing.

And some people just may not be into the whole dressing up deal! And that’s okay! But odds are, you still have some kind of plans for the holiday be it wanted or unwanted. If costumes aren’t your thing, go for fall colors and just dress Halloween-y! That means warm tones, blacks, oranges, and so on. A fun sweater or themed T-shirt is always an easy out, and depending on how directly Halloween themed it is can even be worn past the 31st! Check out the shopzolic wardrobe for some ideas!

And as always, there’s so much more to explore on the @shopzolic Instagram! Give it a follow and stay up to date with all the hottest fashions!

halloween halloween trends trends

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